I personally use dilute, fresh rapid fixer for fixing salt prints, in a dilution of, say, 1+20, so roughly half the strength usually used for silver gelatin paper. I'm sure a glass coating rod is superior, but this works for me.Īs for processing, acidifying the initial wash water with a pinch of citric acid (a 0.5% solution or thereabouts works nicely) vastly improves the effectiveness of the wash procedure, probably because citric acid is a moderately effective chelating agent. I use a crude and simple puddle pusher made of pvc insulation tubing, the kind that is used for electrical installation. A few drops of a 10% solution per milliliter of silver nitrate solution does the trick for me.Īlthough several sources suggest brush coating can give good results, I never managed an even coating this way. I found that most papers will fog to various degrees unless some citric acid is added to the silver nitrate solution just prior to coating. However, for a first attempt, I would forego sizing as I find it makes it more difficult to achieve an even coating. I don't size my papers as I generally find it messy and too much hassle, but you can get somewhat better reflectance and therefore deeper blacks with sizing. Instead, I use a variety of etching papers including fabriano artistico.
I don't use gampi or vellum (but maybe I should give the gampi/kozo paper a try sometime).